Engineering Survey Vol. XI, 6-7/2017
Belyy A.V., Shmakin V.B.
Belyy A.V., Shmakin V.B., 2017. Geochemical barriers in solid waste landfills of the Northwest Federal District in accordance with engineering survey results and monitoring data. Engineering Survey, Vol. XI, No. 6-7, pp. 78-92,
The results of the authors’ engineering surveys and monitoring investigations in solid waste landfills (SWL) of the Northwest Federal District of Russia make it possible to conclude that a colmated watertight barrier and a gley geochemical barrier are formed in any subsoils as a result of the influence of leachate. The authors revealed the presence of real assimilative capacities of SWL ecosystems. Special studies of this phenomenon and of its ecological features can expand options of ground areas for landfills, reduce the cost of engineering survey and construction, reduce the areas of landfills and their sanitary protection zones, and, thus, result in cost reduction and resources saving. The authors propose to perform a complex of lithochemical studies in the framework of an engineering-environmental survey. This will make it possible to substantiate engineering-environmental solutions for the construction and reclamation of SWL territories more rationally.
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Vologda State University; Vologda, Russia;