Engineering Geology World, Vol. XVII, No. 1/2022
Korolev V.A., Trofimov V.T.
Korolev V.A., Trofimov V.T., 2022. Systematics of water (aqua) ecological-geological systems. Engineering Geology World, Vol. XVII, No. 1, pp. 48–63,
The article analyzes the concept, structure, features and systematics of water (aquatic) natural and technogenic ecological-geological systems (EGS). These EGS are the object and subject of research in ecological geology and geoecology, and are also analyzed in engineeringecological surveys. However, to date, they remain poorly studied despite the fact that they are the most extensive and widespread in the Earth’s biosphere. The structure of EGS, consisting of abiotic (lithotope, hydrotope) and biotic (edaphotope, microbio-, phyto- and zoocenosis) components, is considered. The determining role of hydrotope and lithotope is shown, and the main features of these and other EGS components that affect their development and functioning are characterized. An original general systematics of natural and technogenic aquatic EGSs is proposed, taking into account the components characteristics of these systems, as well as the main factors of their formation: geological, hydrological, climatic, ecological, etc. It can serve as a basis for further studies of EGS, their formation and functioning, characteristic features, as well as for engineering-ecological- surveys and studies in various water areas and the development of relevant regulatory documents. The systematization of natural EGS of fresh water bodies has been carried out as a particular classification, which also takes into account the most important features of their components. Systematics of technogenic-natural and natural-technogenic aquatic EGSs of fresh water bodies operating in technogenically changed or technogenic conditions, as well as a systematics of artificially created aquatic EGSs of fresh water bodies, have been developed. Their main distinguishing features are: 1) a small number of species in artificial phyto- and zoocenoses; 2) undeveloped water microbiocenosis; 3) specific bottom sediments; 4) strong dependence on human activity. The latter determines the significant instability of such EGS to possible changes in external parameters and their low viability. The proposed classifications can be used in practice in engineering-ecological studies, substantiation of environmental protection measures in water areas, creation of engineering protection systems, etc.
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