Engineering Survey Vol. XV, No. 5-6/2021
Trofimov V.T., Kharkina M.A.
Trofimov V.T., Kharkina M.A., 2021. Ecosystem approach in regulatory technical document SP 502.1325800.2021 “Engineering environmental survey for construction. General regulations for execution of work”. Engineering Survey, Vol. XV, No. 5-6, pp. 42–49,
The history of the engineering-ecological surveys, as one of the types of engineering surveys in Russia, and the development of corresponding regulatory technical documents (RTD) over time are described. The ecosystem approach is demonstrated, which was reflected in the development of a new RTD SP 502.1325800.2021 “Engineering environmental survey for construction. General regulations for execution of work” and aimed at studying abiotic environments (lithosphere, pedosphere, surface hydrosphere, and atmosphere) as habitats for living organisms, including humans. Modern ideas about the ecosystem and their differences from those provisions that are reflected in earlier works of biologists are described. The advantages and problematic issues of SP 502.1325800.2021 are shown. The advantages of this document include: expansion of the terminology base, the inclusion of the concept of “ecosystem” and its definition; assignment to the objects of engineering-ecological surveys of all abiotic environments (atmosphere, surface hydrosphere, lithosphere, and pedosphere) and living organisms (flora, fauna, and humans); regulation of parameters and criteria for assessing ecosystem components; the use of an environmentally oriented classification of geological processes with the allocation of catastrophic, dangerous, unfavorable, and favorable. As proof of the ecosystem approach, statistics are given on the scope of work on the study of ecosystem components in the RTD for engineering-ecological surveys of different years. The problematic issues of modern regulatory documents are identified, concerning the incomplete use of the theoretical basis of the doctrine of the Earth’s abiotic spheres’ ecological functions, insufficient development of indicators and criteria for assessing the state of biota, lack of clear representations of the content of the maps’ legends of the current and predicted ecological state, regulated in SP 502.1325800.2021.
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