GEORISK WORLD • International scientific journal • Vol. XVI, No. 3/2022
Rakhmanov A.S., Rakhmonov S.S.
Rakhmanov A.S., Rakhmonov S.S., 2022. Overview of geodynamic polygons of Tajikistan for simplified retrospective analysis. GeoRisk World, Vol. XVI, No. 3, pp. 50–60,
Systematic geodetic measurements at geodynamic polygons of Tajikistan began in 1972. The publications of Yu.D. Boulanger,
A.K. Pevnev, V.I. Kaftan, L.I. Serebryakova, M.S. Saidov, N.S. Sarabekov, F.S. Salikhov, M.S. Sharipov show that some work in this direction was carried out long before this time. The purpose of these measurements was (according to the recommendations of Yu.D. Boulanger and A.K. Pevnev) the study of modern vertical and horizontal movements of the Earth’s crust by classical geodetic methods. As noted by A.A. Izotov, astronomical, geodetic, and gravimetric works were carried out to study these movements mainly in the 1970s. The creation of geodynamic polygons was necessary to obtain data for the study of stresses arising in the Earth’s crust. The main task of organizing such polygons was, firstly, to observe geodynamic phenomena, and secondly, to study them. These phenomena lead to changes in the position of geodetic points or elements of the Earth’s gravitational field in time and space. They are classified depending on the size of the territory in which they occur, as well as on the time periods and speed of their occurrence. Global large-scale, regional, and local phenomena are distinguished. Geodynamic polygons in Tajikistan, since the mid-1940s, are used to study regional and local geodynamic phenomena at the length of the sites from 100 to 1000 km. Most of the geodynamic polygons of the country (five out of six) are concentrated in the junction zone of the Southern Tien Shan and the Tajik Depression. The sixth — Usoy — is located near Sarez Lake, in the valley of the Bartang River (Pamir), and is intended for monitoring the stability of the rockslide dam. In 1990, work on geodynamic polygons in Tajikistan was stopped and resumed only at the Nurek geodynamic polygon in 2003 by the national space, geodesy and mapping agency “Tojikkoinot”.
1. Balandin D.A., 2007. Experience in mastering the GAMIT/GLOBK software package for geodynamic problems. Deep structure, geodynamics, thermal field of the Earth, interpretation of geophysical fields, Collection of papers of the 4th scientific readings in memory of Yu.P. Bulashevich, Ekaterinburg, 2007, pp. 95–97. (in Russian)
2. Boulanger Yu.D., Pevnev A.K., 1978. On the state and prospects of research on modern movements of the Earth’s crust on the geodynamic testing polygons of the USSR. In collection of papers Yu.D. Boulanger, E.E. Fotiadi, V.N. Gaisky, V.G. Kolmogorov,
V.A. Larionov, A.E. Ostorovsky, A.K. Pevnev, E.A. Finko (eds), Modern movements of the Earth’s crust. Nauka, Novosibirsk, pp. 4–7. (in Russian)
3. Boulanger Yu.D., Pevnev A.K., 1983. Geodesy and earthquake forecasting. In collection of papers Yu.D. Boulanger (ed.), Modern movements and deformation of the Earth’s crust on geodynamic polygons. Nauka, Moscow, pp. 7–10. (in Russian)
4. Kaftan V.I., Serebryakova L.I., 1990. Geodetic methods for solving geodynamic problems (modern movements of the Earth’s crust).
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5. Koreshkov N.A., Piskulin V.A., Raizman A.P., 1978. On the status and some results of geodetic work on the geodynamic polygons of Central Asia. In collection of papers Yu.D. Boulanger, E.E. Fotiadi, V.N. Gaisky, V.G. Kolmogorov, V.A. Larionov, A.E. Ostorovsky,
A.K. Pevnev, E.A. Finko (eds), Modern movements of the Earth’s crust. Nauka, Novosibirsk, pp. 59–66. (in Russian)
6. Lukk A.A., Shevchenko V.I., Leonova V.G., 2015. Autonomous geodynamics of the Pamir-Tien Shan junction from seismology data. Fizika Zemli, No. 6, pp. 63–82, (in Russian)
7. Nikonov A.A., 1977. Holocene and modern movements of the Earth’s crust (geological-geomorphological and seismotectonic issues),
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8. Pevnev A.K., Guseva T.V., Odinev N.N., Saprykin G.V., 1978. Patterns of deformations of the Earth’s crust in the junction zone of the Pamirs and the Tien Shan. In collection of papers Yu.D. Boulanger, E.E. Fotiadi, V.N. Gaisky, V.G. Kolmogorov, V.A. Larionov,
A.E. Ostorovsky, A.K. Pevnev, E.A. Finko (eds), Modern movements of the Earth’s crust. Nauka, Novosibirsk, pp. 86–92. (in Russian)
9. Pevnev A.K., Finko Е.А., Shatsky V.N., Enman V.B., 1968. Long-term geodetic observations at the Garm polygon and their geological and geomorphological interpretation. In collection of papers Yu.D. Boulanger, I.P. Gerasimov, Yu.A. Meshcheryakov (eds), Modern movements of the Earth’s crust, No. 4. No publ., Moscow, pp. 220–239. (in Russian)
10. Pellinen L.P., 1978. Higher geodesy (theoretical geodesy). Nedra, Moscow. (in Russian)
11. Rastvorova V.A., Enman S.V., 1997. Garm geodynamic polygon. Morphostructure and modern movements. Publishing house of the Schmidt Joint Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. (in Russian)
12. Sadovsky M.A., 2004. Geophysics and physics of explosion. Nauka, Moscow. (in Russian)
13. Saidov M.S., 2007. Status and role of geodetic polygons in Tajikistan. News of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan. Department of physical, mathematical, chemical, geological and technical sciences, No. 2, pp. 82–87. (in Russian)
14. Saidov M.S., 2014. Monitoring of geodynamic polygons: Nurek HPP, Rogun HPP, Sangtuda HPP of the Republic of Tajikistan based on high-precision geodetic measurements for the safety of hydraulic structures. Publishing house of the Research Center of the State Committee for Land Management and Geodesy of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe. (in Russian)
15. Saidov M.S., Kodirov E.Kh., Salikhov F.S., 2022. Deformation processes and their investigation by modern geodetic methods on the local geodynamic polygon of the Nurek HPP. Bulletin of Lomonosov Moscow State University in Dushanbe, Vol. 1, No. 2(23), pp. 112–120. (in Russian)
16. Saidov M.S., Sarabekov N.Sh., Khujamulloev H.K., Salikhov F.S., 2014. Interpretation of the observed changes in modern movements of the near-surface parts of the Earth’s crust of the Fayzabad geodynamic polygon. News of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan. Department of physical, mathematical, chemical, geological and technical sciences, No. 1(154), pp. 100–106. (in Russian)
17. Chizhankov A.I., 2007. Geodetic work on the Usoy dam and the right bank slope in 1988–1990. URL: (accessed: 1 August 2022). (in Russian)
18. Sharipov M.Sh., 2013. Geodetic network of the Nurek HPP. Appendix to the journal Izvestia Vuzov “Geodesy and Aerophotosurveying”. Collection of papers following the results of the scientific and technical Conference, No. 6, pp. 77–79. (in Russian)
19. Entin I.I., Meshchersky I.N., 1963. Determination of vertical displacements of the Earth’s crust in the Surkhob River valley. Transactions of the Central Research Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Photography and Cartography, Issue 154. Gosgeoltekhizdat, Moscow, pp. 91–106. (in Russian)
Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography; Moscow, Russia;
Address: Bld. 4, Gorokhovskiy Ln., 105064, Moscow, Russia
Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography; Moscow, Russia;