Engineering Geology World, Vol. XIV, No. 4/2019
Pozdnyakova I.A.
Pozdnyakova I.A., 2019. Effect of large area source on groundwater pollution. Engineering Geology World, Vol. XIV, No. 4, pp. 74–84,
The Kuryanovo and Lyuberetsy sewage treatment facilities, as well as the Moscow Oil Refinery OJSC, are examples of large area potential sources of groundwater pollution within Moscow. The large-scale mapping of the boundaries of hydrogeological windows on the territory of the city, performed by the Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Russian Academy of Sciences in 2013–2014, showed that these objects are located in areas of the most dangerous hydrogeological windows – areas of possible rapid penetration of pollution from the aquifer in Quaternary sediments into the strategic horizon in coal limestone. Since 2013, the Moscow Department of the Environment Management and Protection has organized regular monitoring of the quality of groundwater in close proximity to these sites. The data of this department, obtained as a results of monitoring observations of the chemical composition of groundwater near the Lyubertsy treatment facilities, were used to assess their impact, as well as the impact of other potential nearby pollution sources on groundwater quality. Processing the results of regime observations included the construction of maps of the distribution of components in groundwater at different points in the observations; graphs of changes in the concentrations of all components in time for each observation well; histograms of distribution of concentrations of components in water samples and cluster analysis. The main indicators of groundwater pollution are determined, the nature of their distribution over the area, the temporal dynamics, possible sources and ways of pollutants in the groundwater are shown. It is shown that pollutants can come from several different sources remaining after the of the Lyubertsy irrigation fields and enterprises located nearby.The Kuryanovo and Lyuberetsy sewage treatment facilities, as well as the Moscow Oil Refinery OJSC, are examples of large area potential sources of groundwater pollution within Moscow. The large-scale mapping of the boundaries of hydrogeological windows on the territory of the city, performed by the Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Russian Academy of Sciences in 2013–2014, showed that these objects are located in areas of the most dangerous hydrogeological windows – areas of possible rapid penetration of pollution from the aquifer in Quaternary sediments into the strategic horizon in coal limestone. Since 2013, the Moscow Department of the Environment Management and Protection has organized regular monitoring of the quality of groundwater in close proximity to these sites. The data of this department, obtained as a results of monitoring observations of the chemical composition of groundwater near the Lyubertsy treatment facilities, were used to assess their impact, as well as the impact of other potential nearby pollution sources on groundwater quality. Processing the results of regime observations included the construction of maps of the distribution of components in groundwater at different points in the observations; graphs of changes in the concentrations of all components in time for each observation well; histograms of distribution of concentrations of components in water samples and cluster analysis. The main indicators of groundwater pollution are determined, the nature of their distribution over the area, the temporal dynamics, possible sources and ways of pollutants in the groundwater are shown. It is shown that pollutants can
come from several different sources remaining after the recultivation of the Lyubertsy irrigation fields and enterprises located nearby. Recommendations for monitoring groundwater in the territory of the Lyubertsy treatment facilities are given.
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Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia,
Address: Bld. 13, Pde 2, Р.О. box 145, Ulansky Ln., 101000, Moscow, Russia